"I Hate Being A Nurse." I Get it, And It Doesn't Have To Be This Way. burnout entrapment financial independence and impact Mar 11, 2024

Maybe you didn’t end up on this post by angrily mashing the phrase “I hate being a nurse” into Google after getting home exhausted from another 14-hour floor shift. If you did though, it wouldn’t be surprising. I was doing a bit of research into nursing burnout and...

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How To Turn A Nursing Salary Into Financial Independence and Impact Healthcare about angel financial independence and impact nurse to financial independence Sep 29, 2022

Hi! I'm Angel. I'm a nurse. I’m a lot like you, I think. 

I'm also a nurse millionaire, and I want you to have the truth about me. It's probably not what you expect.

I’m not from a rich family and I haven’t received any major inheritance. In fact, I was born into DV that...

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